Monday, October 6, 2014


October used to be my favorite month.  It gets a little cooler, the leaves change, there is pumpkin flavored everything, HALLOWEEN! You know all those great amazing fun things. But as I have gotten older I have let October become a burden rather than a beauty and I want to reclaim it.

It is my husband's busiest time at work so that means more time alone with the kid for me and simply crossing paths with him. The weather in GA just gets weird and we are in a heat at night / air during the day mess right now. All the things that are amazing and fun as a kid take work as an adult. Someone (me) has to make or buy these pumpkin creations. Someone (me) has to plan and drag everybody to all the fun events.

The first weekend of October is already gone! And what did I do with it? I spent 75% of my waking hours running a booth at the Atlanta Maker Faire. Which was fun! And the other 25% I lucked out. My kiddo was off with a friend so I got to hang with the hubby and go out to breakfast! I love going out to breakfast. So much less pressure than dinner. Breakfast is always fun and easy. I think it is my love of a fresh start. Breakfast represents the beginning of the day. Which is when I make way too many plans. I have so many expectations for the day at the beginning of each one.

So here is how I am going to re-claim October. First I am going to adjust my attitude. I took on making Halloween costumes because I LOVE MAKING HALLOWEEN COSTUMES! The problem with making anything for clients is that self doubt creeps in. What if they don't like it? What if I mess up? What if ....... instead of asking myself off this crap. I am going to tell myself. I LOVE MAKING HALLOWEEN COSTUMES.

So attitude is what I can have control over for the rest of October. And that is what I am going to work on today!