Friday, August 15, 2014

Day 10

Short Version (all positive since Michael nominated me for the say 3 positive things on FB thing)
1. I enjoyed another yoga class today.
2. I am starting to feel different. I have changed my ways enough that my bra straps are no longer leaving marks around my sides.  
3. Tomorrow I am planning to do back to back Jazzercise classes. 

One of the reasons I have all this time to exercise and plan food is because I have backed way off of work. I am still working some here and there but I have said no to many potential jobs. In some ways this is hard to do, because not working means not getting paid. In other ways this is much much more rewarding. I have changed my ways enough that my bra straps are no longer leaving marks around my sides. Other of my clothes are starting to feel comfortable rather than strained and about to pop. I tried on some of my "too small" clothes just to gauge how things are going and I was able to get them on, and button and zip them. But they are are not yet wearable. But they will be soon and then they will be too big! And this time they will stay too big. 

There are some foods I sort of miss. I thought about writing a list of them. But the bottom line is I do not miss them enough to go back. I do not miss them enough to trade in this new found energy. And I do not miss them enough to risk looking and feeling older than I am. 

At yoga today there were a few things I could not do. I could not do them because there was too much meat in the way and I was just too heavy to hold myself up. But I can feel myself getting stronger. I am on the cusp of being able to make progress on these moves. I can start to imagine all the things that will be easier once I get all this extra fluff off and even more muscle on. I will be lighter, faster and stronger. I will be able to do crazy hand stands and other holding myself up by my arms poses. I just will! And I will be a fast skater. I will not be the last one to finish. And I will get promoted from the G team to the PG team. It is all going to happen. I just need to keep working hard and not letting any of these things out of my sight. 

Right now with all this time, it is easy. Right now I don't have tons of work and stress. But if I make all this stuff a habit now, while everything else is easy, it will just be a part of every day. 

See you at Jazzercise tomorrow? I'm doing the 7:15 class AND the 8:20. 

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